Paul Greene
2 min readNov 7, 2021



How do you begin your day? When you get out of bed, do you feel sluggish, uninspired, and overwhelmed? You probably have a massive to-do list, and more than likely, you spend your time in those first few minutes after you wake up scrolling your social media, watching the news, responding to emails…in other words, you are reacting to your environment and being primed by everything you hear, see, taste, touch, smell…and it can cause you to feel like no matter what you do, you cannot be successful.

I want to introduce you to a practice that is one of my all-time favorites that will set you up in a powerful way every morning. It’s called priming. “One way to define priming is the act of taking time to adjust your thoughts and emotions so you can live your life in your peak state” (Tony Robbins).

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